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Marion Crossing

By September 17, 2012No Comments

Marion Crossing. We added quite a few students to our enrollment this week as well as seeing new motivation in some of the original students. We had seven students join this week which was very encouraging for the staff. It’s always good to see so many happy parents and hopeful students. When a new student comes in, they almost refresh the staff and help us keep the main thing, the main thing. It is very helpful to have some of the original students help out the new ones. It helps build unity as well as freeing up the staff to continue helping other students. We had a group go to Creecher Farms to help feed deer as well as be a part of the everyday tasks that are involved in running a deer farm. The students loved it, as did the staff who went. Most of them have not seen deer so close and being able to hold them and feed them was a great experience. A lot of our students miss out on some of the outdoor adventures that we grew up with so just getting them outside and in a farm atmosphere was a whole new experience for them. They all learned a lot about the seasonal cycles of deer as well as got their hands dirty helping out with the farm. There will be another group going out in September. As the weeks continue here at the Crossing so do the relationships. Students are starting to go to the staff for advice on life, which I think is a huge step forward in our goal here. They are seeing us as trustworthy and loyal. Some students are dealing with consequences from past decisions and others are still working through making good decisions. These are great opportunities for us to get involved in their lives and show them that we can be valuable assets to them. We are having a lot of fun here at the Crossing and students are excited about learning and growing. The staff is learning and growing along with them. Roger Younce Crossing Educational Center Campus Leader]]>

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