Miss Handschu and Mrs. Borke had the chance to take two students, Kalsie and Devin, to Stratford, Canada. The Crossing offered a theater course over break. As part of the course work the class took a trip to the site of North America’s premiere Shakespeare Festival. We saw Much Ado about Nothing, Matchmaker, and Pirates of Penzance. It was an incredible trip. Kalsie and Devin both enjoyed the opportunity to travel to Canada and to see professional live theater, especially Matchmaker.
Our focus this week in Family Time has been team building. We wanted to remind our veteran students and teach the new students about the emphasis the Crossing puts on working together towards the common goal of being a successful person. Lane did an amazing job building this teamwork mentality by reaching out to the new students and helping them with their math. He made the comment that it was also helpful for him because it allowed him to practice his own math skills.