Daniel: When Daniel came to us last quarter, he struggled with his attitude. He worked well, but he did not seem to integrate into the Crossing family. Daniel had a rough start to this quarter, too. After the first week, though, something clicked with him. He has now revealed to us a respectful, hard-working leader. Our staff has marveled at the visible change in Daniel, and we now see him as one of our most exemplary students.
Ben: This is Ben’s first quarter with us, and he has started off well. He comes in every day with a positive attitude and works diligently in the classroom. This week, he finished his first credit and moved immediately onto the next one. Beyond the classroom, Ben participates regularly in Family Time discussions. He is a great asset to our community, and we are excited to see him continue toward his academic goals.
In the midst of great classroom time, we have also been fortunate to have some fun opportunities outside of school. On Wednesday, a few staff and students attended a Bethel College basketball game. We enjoyed a great game and even received coupons for free burgers because Bethel won. It was a great night to relax and have some fun together!
At the end of a good week, we cannot help but be extremely proud of our students. There are always ways to improve, but overall, it has been a very encouraging start to this quarter. We are excited to spend more time with students next week with a late work night and an after-school game time. We look forward to another week with this great campus!]]>