Here at Midtown, we are a team! For the last several weeks we have focused on building our relationships and learning how to create our lives for longevity! At the beginning of the quarter we struggled to unify our group during Family Times and Service Learning Opportunities; now we work together to figure out how to get the best out of each moment.
As a group we are experiencing significant growth! In the last few weeks we have welcomed a total of nine new students. We feel blessed to have new and exciting viewpoints and opinions. Each new student brings fresh ideas and challenges to our group. Our first session has learned to rely on ingenuity and perseverance in tough subjects such as Algebra, English Literature and Composition, and Health, while second session shows determination in completing U.S. History and Geometry. End of Course Assessment Testing is right around the corner so every one of our students’ minds has been filled with knowledge. Just like nervous parents, Hooks and Hood are sending them in to win the battle with every ounce each can muster.
Family Night was an excellent opportunity to get to know parents while enjoying the company of other campus families. Paul, Jordan, Michael and Jerry introduced us to valuable people in their lives who contribute to making each moment at the Crossing a successful endeavor. It was great to see them interact with others, enjoy the wonderful taco dinner provided by Vineyard Church, and the amazing, award-winning street dancers who performed at the end of the evening. Paul, Jordan, and Michael could be heard the next day convincing other students about how great the show was by saying, “We should start our own Dance Squad…that was awesome!”
Our campus has really been impacted by Service Learning Opportunities. On several occasions we have been asked to help out at the South Bend Juvenile Justice Center. Earlier in the quarter, students were able to help tear down different pieces of furniture so that the scrap metal could be turned into local recycling facilities. Just recently, we helped clear old trees and bushes on the JJC property. Staff and students worked alongside JJC staff and even Judge Fox chipped in! Around town, our students helped a member of the South Bend community move. She was so glad to have help that she treated the group to lunch at Golden Corral! The Indiana Food Bank has been a regular hang out for most of our kids. Just this last week, students worked really hard to individually bag potatoes for food boxes that would be handed out to the community. The box of potatoes has left an indelible print on each hand that helped; no bigger or dirtier box of potatoes could have been described!
As we often like to see changes, we are excited to see how far each student has come. Mr. Hooks and Mrs. Hood feel blessed that students have had the opportunity to see small glimpses of success in their lives which on a regular basis could be filled with challenges and disappointments. As they learn to achieve and succeed in each new activity or lesson…we see smiles increase and opportunities for attitude changes appear. It has been a challenging road thus far, but if we continue to persevere and motivate one another, we shall finish with a resounding team that declares, “JOB WELL DONE!”