You reap what you sow
30% of high school students in Indiana drop out every year.
What are the options for drop outs? Low skill (and low paying) jobs that offer little advancement and can’t provide for basic needs. A dependency on others in all manner of unhealthy ways. A greater likelihood of turning to crime. (Not all drop outs are criminals, but most criminals are drop outs –over 80% of those incarcerated never finished high school.)
You reap what you sow
What if they had an alternative? What if we sowed the seeds of responsibility both given and earned? What if we equipped students to organize, analyze and strategize for the future of a micro business? What if we integrated academic learning with hands on job training that gave them a new set of skills to take with them out into the “real” world of the adult workplace -what would we reap?
The Fort Wayne campus Job Training Program is sowing and reaping great things in the lives of students with the help of community business leaders. Check out this video that was shown at their recent spring banquet:
When we as the community invest in these students, we reap a harvest of skilled, engaged citizens who have a hope and a future.
You reap what you sow]]>