The efforts started at 9 in the morning just as snow and sleet began to roll into the area and continued throughout the day until roughly 3 pm.
The efforts included planting trees, trimming trees and brush, picking up trash, and reclaiming wood that was the floor in the old Studebaker factory.
The efforts from our South Bend campus was comprehensive and inspirational. A special thanks to our partners from the community which include but aren’t limited to the team from the South Bend/Mishawaka Leadership Academy (Adam ElBenni, Amy Stabeno, Angela Johnson, Sherry English, Jeermal Sylvester), Kevin Smith and Shawn Peterson of Union Station Technologies, and Willow Weatherall of SB 150 and Ignite Michiana. The day was an incredible feet of collaboration and team work and it is one that will hopefully be a first step toward restoration of the Renaissance District of South Bend and a beacon of hope to the entire community of South Bend.
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