Family Night was on Thursday this week. Twelve students showed up for our taco dinner. We spent some time highlighting key memories of the last semester. It was encouraging to look back and see all that the students have accomplished. After dinner, we had Family Time. We paired up with a family member or friend and wrote down one or two things we appreciated about that person on a note card; then we gave the cards to that person. During this time, Tracy and his father shared with the whole group what they had written to each other. Devin also shared without even being prompted, which was a first for her! It was a wonderful night, filled with laughter and encouragement.
This week we had a student show incredible perseverance and dedication to his schoolwork. On Monday, when it was raining so hard, Lane did not have a ride to school. This did not deter him; instead of giving up, he rode his bike five miles in the rain to get to school on time. We as a staff wanted to share that story with you to praise his amazing determination!]]>