d has been at the Crossing for 2 years. Meet Vicki Ruppert!
I’ve been married for 29 years and have two adult daughters. My older daughter was married last fall and lives in Tucson, Arizona. My younger daughter is a junior at IU studying Community Health. My husband travels a lot for work and I like to tag along sometimes, especially when he goes someplace warm during the winter.
I left Corporate America when my daughters started school to be at home more. I found a way to use my skills and gifts in Children’s Ministry and my responsibilities grew as my girls got older. I loved how ministry allowed me to share my faith while utilizing my professional skills.
I’ve learned that the culture and people you work with are more important than your actual job or assigned tasks. I love the mission of the Crossing and enjoy working with people who challenge me every day to be my best. They encourage me to follow God’s direction in my life, both professionally and personally. I also love watching lives be transformed, both students and staff.
I believe every child/person deserves to know the love of God which is why I am so passionate about fulfilling the Crossing’s mission. So many in our society never see or feel His unconditional love or experience His grace. I want to be Christ’s hands and feet where I can.
I am humbled every day that God continues to use me while I’m still growing and learning to be more like Him.]]>